About Us

Our track, stretched over 16 acres, is 3km long with tons of jumps and a LOT of corners built into some serious terrain. All purpose built for electric bikes! Tighter than motocross, faster than bicycles. It is also dividable into four different configurations based on riding ability as well as for clinics etc.
We have several high powered electric bikes for rent, a full compliment of safety equipment and often a couple of EMX bikes for sale. Need a piece of gear, we sell new and used equipment to keep you riding and enjoying your day. We got you covered!
We are an eco friendly way to play in the dirt and we inclusively welcome EVERYONE.
Meet The Team

Dan Turcotte: CEO & Instructor
Many who know Dan know him as a communications consultant, director and composer. Yet, at heart, Dan is a rabid entusiast for trying all things on 2 wheels! Dan was a former pro bicycle trials and stunt rider appearing in commercials, TV shows and even representing Canadian athletes for the 2008 Olympic bid. He has taught bicycle and motorcycle riding for... well.. a long time.

Dr. Amita Singwi-Turcotte:
CFO & Level Head
When not delivering babies or teaching medical students, Amita loves to get out into nature and get some fresh air. Her husband Dan was persuasive in building a track in the forest. What she loves is the quiet experience of interacting with nature on a silent motorcycle. Badass yet calm. That's Amita.

Rich Bonathan: Intructor/Medic
Rich is an expert level hard enduro rider, a triathlete and generally a wild man on a bike. He's also a really nice fella that knows how to patch you up if you crash. Rich and his wife fix people up in their clinics during their "day jobs".

Mike Conto: Track Manager & Resident Songster
Mike grew up riding dirt bikes and loves being out on the track. But get him to pick up an instrument and you'll know why he has toured the world as a guitarist and vocalist and has been a high end session player for a long time. Don't let his mild manner fool you, this guy rocks!

Simon Girard: Instructor/Partner
Simon rides bikes. He is also a circus performer, stunt driver, proefessional bad guy... He's a stunt man and stunt rigger. For real. If Jessica Beal, Jason Statham and Harrison ford can put their lives in his hands, so can you.

Siya Turcotte: Test Rider/Mascot
Siya test rides all bikes that require training wheels. She also sings songs, draws pictures and tells you your boo boo will be ok.